
Like Jess said the other day.....we're baaaaack!

And what a way to start my re-entry to blogging here than with P90X!

I started P90X on Monday. I was pretty terrified when I started, but I got the program on Craigslist for $45 so I was determined to make the most of my amazing bargain.

I made it through Monday's workout, Chest and Back, without a huge amount of modification. It was  mostly pushups and pullups, neither of which get along with my wimpy arms. Tuesday was Plyometrics, which equated to a lot of jumping around. The impact didn't bother me, but the cardio did. I was spent by  the end and took a bunch of breaks.

I actually really liked the arms and shoulder workout, and I can already see some progress in the 15 minute abs workout they toss in on some days. I obviously have a lot more days and DVDs to get through, but I am really hopefuly I will stick with this.

Has anyone else done P90X? Tell me your experience!

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Annnd We're Back!

Hi! Is this thing on?! It's been awhile. Actually, it's been a loooong while. I'd like to start posting over here again, because I could use the motivation and accountability.

Yesterday I took "before" pictures for an online weight-loss challenge I'm participating in for the next six months and I was horrified by the woman staring back at me. I don't know when I became that girl, but I hate it and have to do something about it. I realized, from those photos, that I never really look at myself from head to toe anymore. I may glance at my outfit before running out the door, but that was the first time in months, if not years, that I saw what everyone else must be seeing. Talk about a wake up call.

I've been on this health train roller coaster before and I always vow to do better, and I do...until I get lazy and complacent and revert back to my old habits. So I need to make new habits and I need to adapt my favorite foods and make them healthier. I also recently purchased a planner, so I've inputted all of my workouts so I can see when/if I'll have scheduling conflicts.

I'm really going to try this time, because I don't want there to be a next time. I want this to be it.

How about you? Where are you in your journey to a healthier lifestyle?

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